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EndNote Guide / APA Referencing Guide

This guide provides comprehensive instructions on the installation and use of the reference management software EndNote.

What is a secondary citation?

A secondary citation is information or quotes the author of your reference has taken from a source that you have not read.  It is preferable to locate and use the original source if possible.

In-text secondary citation examples:

Parenthetical citation: ....research focus groups (Hayes, 2000, as cited in Bell & Waters, 2014, p. 183).

Narrative citation: Hayes (as cited in Bell & Waters, 2014, p. 183) stated in 2000 that research focus groups...

Secondary reference example:

Bell, J. & Waters, S. (2014). Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

  • Provide the secondary source in the reference list.


Inserting a secondary parenthetical citation in Word

A secondary citation requires using the Edit & Manage Citation function to correctly edit the in-text citation.

1. Position your cursor where you need to insert the secondary citation on your document.

2. Insert the citation of the source where you read the information.

3. Position the cursor in the relevant in-text citation and click Edit & Manage Citation(s).

4. A pop-up window will appear, in the Prefix field enter the secondary citation, e.g. Filby et al., 2015, as cited in, with a space after as cited in.

  • Remember to include (if required) the page number/s for the quote or paraphrasing in the Pages field.


Inserting a secondary narrative citation in Word

A secondary citation requires using the Edit & Manage Citation function to correctly edit the in-text citation.  Remember for a secondary narrative citation the author and date need to be included within your sentence.

1. Position your cursor after the author's name to insert the secondary narrative citation in your document.  

2. Insert the citation of the source where you read the information.

3. Position the cursor in the relevant in-text citation and click Edit & Manage Citation(s).

4. A pop-up window will appear, in the Prefix field enter as cited in, with a space after as cited in.

  • Remember to include (if required) the page number/s for the quote or paraphrasing in the Pages field.