Important Clarivate, who operates EndNote, occassionally updates the APA 7th reference style. It is important to regularly download the APA 7th reference style so EndNote is working from the most up to date reference information. |
Checking reference style is set to APA 7th Edition
EndNote’s default reference style should be APA 7th edition.
To confirm the reference style: 1. Click on Tools → 2. Output Styles → 3. APA 7th should be listed with a tick beside it.
If EndNote is not set to APA 7th edition, how do I select it?
1. Click on Tools → 2. Output Styles → 3. Open Style Manager
4. If APA 7th is not on the list of EndNote styles, click Get More on the Web.
5. The EndNote website opens. Next, type APA 7th into the search bar and click Search. → 6. Download APA 7th - American Psychological Association 7th Edition.
7. The downloaded file appears in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, double click on the file. This will open the APA 7th details in EndNote. Go to File and click Save As. A pop-up window will open, click Save.
Close all the EndNote pop-up windows until you are left with the main EndNote page. In the right panel select APA 7th from the drop down box.