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EndNote Guide / APA Referencing Guide

This guide provides comprehensive instructions on the installation and use of the reference management software EndNote.

Searching and sorting your EndNote Library

As your library grows in size, the search and sort tools make it easier to locate specific references.

Searching for a reference

EndNote 20 provides two search options, simple or advanced search. 

Using the simple search

The simple search is the default option and the search bar is located in the centre panel above the list of references. 

Search term/s entered here will search all fields in every reference. References containing matching search term/s will be retrieved and the term/s are highlighted. 

Using the advanced search

Advanced search enables searching on specific fields or terms, or combinations of both. 

1.Access the advanced search by selecting Advanced Search located below the simple search bar.

2. Use the drop-down menu to select the field to search e.g. title, year, author.

3. Use Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine words and an asterisk (*) for truncation e.g. nurs* finds nurse, nurses, nursed and nursing.

4. Use the + symbol to add another search line and the x symbol to remove a search line.

5. Run your advanced search.

6. Results are listed below the search bar in the centre panel.


Sorting your references

To sort references, click any of the column headings e.g. author, year, title, rating, journal, last updated and reference type.

For example, clicking the Title column heading, references will be sorted A-Z by title. Click the Title column heading again and your references will be sorted Z-A.

Changing column headings

To change the column headings listed in the centre panel: 1. Click on the Preferences icon → 2. Click on the column you want to change and change the field shown in the centre panel e.g. journal to date → 3. Check change in centre panel

Video credited to EndNote Training.

EndNote Training. (2020, November 3). In action: EndNote 20 (Windows) display fields [Video]. YouTube.  


Rating your references

Assign your references a rating scale according to your own criteria.  Highlight the reference and click in the Rating column to add the number of stars required.  EndNote allows for up to five stars.


Deleting references

There are two ways to delete references:

1. Highlight relevant reference, right click and select Move references to trash.  

2. Highlight relevant reference then drag and drop the refence in to the trash (located in the left panel).