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EndNote Guide / APA Referencing Guide

This guide provides comprehensive instructions on the installation and use of the reference management software EndNote.

Adding and annotating files

Many file types can be added to references (e.g. pdf, Word, Excel).  EndNote also provides the tools to annotate pdfs with highlighting, sticky notes and underlining. 

Please note: All file types need to be attached manually.

Adding files to an EndNote reference

1. Download pdf or other file.

2. Select the relevant reference in your EndNote Library.

3. In the right panel select Summary → Click the Attach file box → A pop-up window will open, search your downloads folder (or other location) and select the document to attach.

4. To view the pdf, click on PDF tab.

5. To view documents in other formats (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint) click on the document link listed in the Summary tab.

Annotating PDFs

EndNote provides the tools to annotate attached pdf documents.

1. Select the relevant reference in your EndNote library.

2. In the right panel select the PDF tab.

3. Click the Open icon to view the pdf in a new window. 

4. Click the Markup/Annotation icon to view various annotation tools such as sticky notes, highlighting, underlining and strikeout text.

Using the sticky note tool

1. Click on the Markup/Annotation icon to view the annotation tools.

2. Select the Sticky Note icon.

3. Navigate to where you want the note.

4. Click to display a sticky note symbol.

5. Click on symbol to add your comments, then click to close and automatically save the note.

Using the highlighting tool

1. Click on the Markup/Annotation icon to view the annotation tools.

2. Select the Highlighting icon.

3. Select the text to highlight (selected text will be highlighted in yellow).

4. Click the Save icon.

Video credited to EndNote Training.

EndNote Training. (2020, November 3). In action: EndNote 20 (Windows) annotating PDF files [Video]. YouTube.