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EndNote Guide / APA Referencing Guide

This guide provides comprehensive instructions on the installation and use of the reference management software EndNote.

What are in-text citations?

In APA, in-text citations are inserted in the text of your work to briefly document the source of your information. In-text citations enable readers to locate more complete information in the reference list. 

Insert an in-text citation whenever you quote another work, or whenever you paraphrase another work in your own words.

In-text citations have two formats

1. Parenthetical citation: Both the author and the date (and if applicable page number) appear in parentheses at the end of the sentence. 

  • Ethics in the research context refers “to the standards of behaviour that guide your conduct in relation to the rights of the those who become subject of your work or are affected by it” (Saunders et al., 2019, pp. 252-253).

2. Narrative citation: The author appears in the text and the date appears (and if applicable page number) in parentheses immediately after the author's name.

  • Arcus (2008, p. 19) found state examination is “for the foreseeable future at least, firmly embedded in nursing education and culture in New Zealand”.

Find more information on in-text citations in the following source:

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). 

Inserting an in-text citation

Open your EndNote Library first, and then switch to your Word document.

1. Position the cursor where you want the in-text citation to appear in your word document.

2. Click Go to EndNote.

3. To add the in-text citation for your quote or paraphrasing click to highlight the correct reference and click the Insert Citation icon.

4. EndNote will automatically format the in-text citation and reference.  It will only include the reference the first time the source is referenced in your assignment.

5. EndNote automatically places references alphabetically at the end of the document.


Editing an in-text citation to include page number/s or counted paragraph/s

When citing some sources, you may need to add page number/s or counted paragraph/s.  To do this, position the cursor in the relevant in-text citation and click Edit & Manage Citation(s).

A pop-up window will open, enter the page number or page range and click OK.  If the source is in HTML format counted paragraph/s must be provided.  In the suffix field enter a comma, leave a space, enter para. and the paragraph number.

EndNote displays page number/s or paragraph number/s within the in-text citation.  If the quote or paraphrasing goes over two pages EndNote will enter pp. instead of p. for one page.


Inserting and editing an in-text citation to change format to a narrative citation

Position the cursor where you want the intext citation to appear (typically at the start of the sentence).

Click Go to EndNote in the EndNote tab.

To add the in-text citation for your quote or paraphrasing click to highlight the correct reference and click the Insert Citation Icon.

The citation needs to be edited to put the author's name outside of the brackets and include the page number (if appropriate).  To edit the in-text citation, position the cursor in the relevant citation select the EndNote tab and click Edit & Manage Citation(s).

A pop-up window will open, click on the formatting box and select Display as Author (Year), also add in the page number where the quote or paraphrasing came from.