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Library Welcome Guide: ID Cards

This is your portal to information, resources and services to assist your studies.

Your student ID card is your library card.

Important information about ID cards

  • With a current student ID card you can get a wide range of student discounts.  However, be aware that a student discount is usually not available in conjunction with any other offers e.g. sale items or special promotions. 
  • For on campus students one ID per year is paid for within your course costs.  If your ID card is lost, you must pay $25 at main reception before getting a replacement card printed at Facilities or the SIT Library.
  • For on campus students your ID card provides electronic door access.
  • To use the photocopiers you must bring your student ID card.        
  • To add credit to your student ID card top up with cash, eftpos or credit card at main reception.

Instructions for gaining an ID card

At the beginning of your course your tutor will organise a set time for your whole class to get your student ID cards printed.

If you miss your allocated class slot the SIT Library can print ID cards between 9am - 4pm and Facilities can print ID cards between 12pm - 12:30pm.

Distance student ID cards cost:

  • $10 for a basic ID - No access to Invercargill electronic doors and photocopiers
  • $25 for a full access ID - Access to Invercargill photocopiers and electronic doors

Requesting an ID card:

Distance students in the Invercargill area can have their ID card printed at the SIT Library between 9am - 4pm.

For students requiring an ID card who cannot come to the library in person please supply via email ( the following information:

  • Name
  • ID number
  • Programme of Study
  • Your physical home address (include the post code)
  • Your cell phone number
  • Attach a photo in one of the following formats: jpg, jpeg, or bmp
  • The photo should follow passport requirements, i.e. no editing, no posing and with a plain/light coloured background (feel free to smile)
  • Identify if you would like a basic ID card ($10) or a full access ID card ($25)

 An invoice for the ID card cost will be provided, once paid the ID card will be printed and will either be delivered to your tutor (if coming to campus) or mailed to your home address.

Staff ID cards can be printed at the SIT Library between 9am - 4pm or at Facilities between 12pm - 12:30pm.