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Engineering: Web Resources

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Engineering studies.

Be critical... evaluate your sources

The websites on this page have been carefully selected, however, it is still your responsibility to critically evaluate any source used in an assignment.  In the Study Toolbox check out our detailed notes and videos on critically evaluating articles and critically evaluating websites.

Engineering organisations

These Engineering New Zealand webpages are particularly useful for Engineering students:

  • Engineer Tools: Check out these tools that will help you understand more about engineering in New Zealand, our organisation and help advance your career.
  • Practice Notes: The Practice Notes explain practices and procedures for a wide variety of engineering topics. Depending on the subject matter, they can range from several pages to a couple of hundred.

Research resources

Engineering and the law

Government organisations

This Standards New Zealand webpage is particularly useful for Engineering students:

  • Free building related standards: The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (Building System Performance) has funded some building standards, used for Building Code compliance, for free download.

Collated and useful statistical data for engineering:

  • Building: Building statistics give you information about building and construction activity happening across New Zealand.
  • Land: Find out about the state of our land, the pressures that contribute to this state, and the impact on us and our environment.

Useful websites

This Institution of Engineering and Technology webpage is particularly useful for Engineering students:

  • Open access journals: Browse 47 open access journals for the latest research on Engineering and Technology.

Online magazines

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