To search every ClinicalKey resource (including ebooks, images and videos) use the search bar located on the homepage.
1. Type keywords or part of a title in to the search bar. Suggestions of resources (both topics and specific books) will automatically display. Select one of these suggestions OR click the blue arrow to run your search and view results.
2. Use the filters in the left hand column to refine your search results by content type and/or specialty.
3. The results not only include a relevant book but also provides links to the most relevant section and relevant chapter. Click on the section, chapter or book title to view a specific book location.
Browse a specific content type by clicking on Books, Images or Videos in the top ribbon.
Once a content type has been selected browse by specialty.
Please note: When browsing the content type books you can also filter by title or browse by the alphabet.
Video credited to Elsevier Health Education.
Elsevier Health Education. (2021, August 25). ClinicalKey student for nursing - search (the student perspective) [Video]. Vimeo.