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Sport and Exercise: Web Resources

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Sport and Exercise studies.

Be critical... evaluate your sources

The websites on this page have been carefully selected, however, it is still your responsibility to critically evaluate any source used in an assignment.  In the Study Toolbox check out our detailed notes and videos on critically evaluating articles and critically evaluating websites.

Government organisations

These Ministry of Health webpages are particularly useful for Sport and Exercise students:

  • Eating and Activity Guidelines: Access the current evidence-based guidelines on healthy eating and physical activity for key population groups.
  • Health Statistics: Access statistical publications and data sets on a variety of health topics.
  • Nutrition: Access information and resources on nutrition.
  • Physical Activity: The New Zealand Physical Activity Guidelines outline the minimum levels of physical activity required to gain health benefits and ways to incorporate incidental physical activity into everyday life.

Collated and useful statistical data for sport and exercise:

  • Health: Statistical data on a variety of health topics including injuries, disabilities and life expectancy.
  • Wellbeing: Statistical data on wellbeing includes life satisfaction, finances, health, housing, human rights, and relationships.  

Sport organisations

These Sport New Zealand webpages are particularly useful for Sport and Exercise students:

  • Coaching: Access resources, online training and research on coaching.
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion: Access Sport New Zealand's plans, commitments and funding opportunities to address inequity in sport.
  • Research and insights: Access surveys, data, participant group insights and case studies conducted by Sport New Zealand.

Sport, Exercise and the law

Online journals and magazines

Health organisations

Research resources

Useful websites

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