Required textbooks are used extensively for the paper and must be purchased.
Recommended textbooks are identified as useful for your study but purchase is optional.
While a suggested purchase option is provided, you can purchase a physical copy or ebook from a variety of online providers e.g. Amazon, Booktopia, publishers' websites and many others.
If you have any questions on where/how to purchase a required or recommended textbook contact the SIT Bookshop (contact details are on the Welcome page).
Note from SIT Bookshop:
Due to limited stocks of the required textbooks being held by the Bookshop please place your orders as soon as possible with us.
Older editions (published in the last 10 years) are acceptable for all Year 1 required and recommended textbooks.
Students can purchase either Think sociology OR Exploring society: Sociology for New Zealand Students.
Students can purchase either Experience human development OR Life: The essentials of human development.