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Nursing: Interloans

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Nursing studies.

If you require material for your studies that is not available at the SIT Library or through our online databases we can request items from another New Zealand library for you.

Interloan FAQs

Who can use this service?

  • SIT students and staff can request items through the interloan service.  Please note distance students can only interloan articles.

How do I request an interloan?

You can request an interloan a number of ways:

  • Email the SIT Library ( and include the following e.g. title, author, year, publisher, for an article also include journal title, volume number, issue number and page range.
  • In the SIT Library complete the printed request form.
  • Some of the online databases provide an interlibrary loan request link for results that are abstract only, fill in your details and submit.

How long will it take for an interloan to arrive?

  • Delivery times cannot be guaranteed as they are dependent on the supplying library.  Due to the uncertain delivery times, do not request items a few days prior to when your assignment is due as they may not arrive in time.  On average, articles arrive within 1 - 5 days and books within 1 - 2 weeks.

How many interloans can I request?

  • 4 - 5 books per assignment
  • 6 - 8 articles per assignment

How do I receive my interloan?

Delivery depends on what you request:

  • Books need to be collected from the Invercargill SIT Library front counter.
  • For most articles a unique URL and password will be emailed to you which is used to access the article.  You can download or print the article.  The article is available for 30 days or 5 downloads.  
  • On the rare occasion, due to publisher restrictions, you may have to collect a printed copy of the article from the Invercargill SIT Library front counter.  For distance students this printed copy will be posted to you.     

Does it cost to interloan items?

  • There is no cost to students for interloaning books or articles.  
  • Staff are required to provide a charge code in the event that a charge is incurred.

Can I renew interloans?

  • To renew an interloan item contact the Interloans Librarian by email (, by phone (03 2112674) or in person to ask for a renewal.  The Interloans Librarian will contact the supplying library to request a renewal. You will be advised of the outcome.