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Interior Design: Web Resources

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Interior Design studies.

Be critical... evaluate your sources

The websites on this page have been carefully selected, however, it is still your responsibility to critically evaluate any source used in an assignment.  In the Study Toolbox check out our detailed notes and videos on critically evaluating articles and critically evaluating websites.

Digital design programmes

These Roomstyler software programmes are particularly useful for Interior Design students: 

  • 3D Roomplanner: With this easy-to-use software create photo-realistic 3D-looks of designed interiors.
  • Moodboard Creator: With this easy-to-use software create digital moodboards using the 120,000+ items in Roomstyler’s virtual library. 

Useful colour websites

Interior Design associations

This IIDA webpage is particularly useful for Interior Design students:

Online magazines

Useful YouTube channels

Useful websites

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