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Commerce: Web Resources

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Commerce studies.

Be critical... evaluate your sources

The websites on this page have been carefully selected, however, it is still your responsibility to critically evaluate any source used in an assignment.  In the Study Toolbox check out our detailed notes and videos on critically evaluating articles and critically evaluating websites.

Government organisations

These Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment webpages are particularly useful for Commerce students: 

  • Data and analysis: Access a range of data, statistics, modelling, research and analytical papers on a variety of business topics.
  • Document library: Search all the documents stored on the MBIE website including research reports, strategies and analysis.

Collated and useful statistical data for Commerce students:

  • Business: Access statistics on the activity and performance of business in New Zealand.
  • Economy: Access statistics about the economy measure the goods and services New Zealand consumes and produces, changes in prices (inflation) and our economic relationship with the rest of the world.
  • Employment and unemployment: Find information about occupations and industries, income, types of work, work-related injuries, and employment conditions.

This Treasury webpage is particularly useful for Commerce students:

  • Publications: The Treasury publishes a diverse range of information e.g. budgets, reports, research and guidance.  Search and access these documents.

New Zealand Commissions

Commerce organisations

Online magazines and journals

Research resources

These Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge topics are particularly useful for Commerce students:

  • Accounting: New research on general accounting including accounting principles, practices, theory, and on regulations and policy.
  • Advertising: New research on advertising including strategy and tactics, digital advertising, measuring impact and advertising technology.
  • Entrepreneurship: New research on entrepreneurship including new business ventures and startup financing.
  • Finance: New research on finance including corporate investment, governance, and accounting management.
  • Human Resources: New research on human resources including organisational design, compensation, incentive plans, hiring practices and recruitment.
  • Leadership: New research on business leadership including skills development, authentic leadership and creating value.
  • Management: New research on management including management strategy, accountability, design and succession planning.
  • Marketing: New research on marketing including advertising, crisis communications, social media, digital marketing techniques and strategy.

Commerce and the law

Useful websites

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