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Agriculture & Horticulture: Web Resources

This subject guide provides resources, information and help to support your Agriculture and Horticulture studies. 

Be critical... evaluate your sources

The websites on this page have been carefully selected, however, it is still your responsibility to critically evaluate any source used in an assignment.  In the Study Toolbox check out our detailed notes and videos on critically evaluating articles and critically evaluating websites.

Government organisations

These Ministry for Primary Industries webpages are particularly useful for Agriculture and Horticulture students:

  • Agriculture: Learn about the chemicals, fertilisers and product requirements used in agriculture.
  • Agricultural & horticultural statistics: MPI partners with Stats NZ and works with other industry organisations to collect and report agricultural and horticultural statistics.
  • Beekeeping: Access information and resources on all aspects of beekeeping from setup to exporting.
  • Dairy farming: Access information, templates and case studies on understanding and meeting your legal requirements as a dairy farmer.  
  • Farm management, the environment and land use: Find out how to best care for your land, waterways and forests as well as the support available.

Collated and useful statistical data for Agriculture and Horticulture students:

  • Agriculture: Statistical data on animal farming, crop growing, forestry and farm practices.
  • Biodiversity: Statistical data on our indigenous (native) plant and animal species of the land, freshwater, and marine environments. It also considers exotic plant and animal species (pest plants and animals as well as farmed plants and animals).
  • Environment: Statistical data on the environment as well as how our economy and environment interact.

Agricultural & Horticultural organisations

Online magazines

Research organisations

Useful websites

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